Toca Toca - Every 1st & 4th & 5th Saturday of the month - WORKSHOPS & PARTY until late

02.11.2024 20:00 - 03.11.2024 05:00

Party @ Wilhelm Merkle Schweißtechnik GmbH Kizomba

City Munich Germany

TOCA TOCA - every 1st, 4th and 5th SATURDAYS of the month!

Come and join us for the best of Kizomba, UrbanKiz, Guetto Zouk, Tarraxa, Douceur, Afro Beats and much more!

Location Wilhelm Merkle Schweißtechnik GmbH
Cost 15-25 EUR

Last update: 24.03.2023 | Visits: 158
Please check the original event link for updated details shortly before the event.

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