
Cities and ambassadors

Every country, better yet every city, should have their ambassadors. They can be event organizers, teachers or just dancers. Everyone can help to provide the festivals, the workshops, the classes in that area.

If you want to help out here for your area, please reach out.
You can also directly propose a new city.


This site aims to be free and public (no login required). It also doesn't collect or sell your data to other companies or entities. It provides a world-wide service for the dance community by everyone contributing.

Central management and crowd-sourcing

Every organizer already has the pain to have to publish to multiple other platforms. Updates are also super annoying then. We believe in a central system that can orchestrate the updates to all other platforms then as push action:

  • Manage here and publish to FB, IG, Whatsapp, Telegram and other channels automatically.
  • You can use our API to pull event infos for your website to be able to only once define and manage them.
  • Crowdsourced input: If someone finds missing info for cities/events, they can just add it, less work for each person.

We need develops here for additional support of external systems we can connect to. Let us know if you can support here.


Report an event or class that is potentially unsafe with a few notes on why you think it is. We can then unlist those on this website or add specific warnings.


The main language of this site is English. That includes events, cities and other contributed content. We want this to be a truly inclusive project. Only the international base language English can provide this. The plan is to provide certain translation and localization features in the future, to more easily reach also non-English speakers.

If you add content, please do so in English. Some data like cities contain also a localized name (E.g. Munich => München). This also helps to find these by either way of writing/searching.
The linked URL (FB event, homepage) can still contain content in the native language. We just want to make it easier to have the content available for everyone.

User Manuals

We provide a few guides to help using this side from different perspectives:

Events API

We want to provide an open format to also exchange public information where possible. For example events and dance locations can be shared with other websites.

Note: At no point we share personal data with anyone. They are protected under GDPR and German privacy laws (which are one of the world's strictest).

Ask as for the API access if you want to use it for your website/service.
Details for developers.

Events Importer

We can also import from your existing events datasource. As push or pull. Currently supported are

  • Google calendar (public)
  • Google spreadsheets
  • Wordpress databases
  • Standardized exchange formats (JSON, CSV, ICAL, ...)

Visit stats

You can see for your events, places and profiles how many times it got visited. See details.


  • Dance Partners - might be moved to platform.
  • Contact Persons per country/city to find info/help
  • Couchsurfing - Details
  • Ticket-Swap/Sell between participants (via official signoff from organizer) - Details
  • Maps

All ideas as Doc

If you are interested in joining in, please use the contact form or email:

  • Content moderation
  • Development
  • UI/UX, Templating
Further resources:

Join the team/discussion via Public Team Chat at Discord.


You can also quickly give feedback via little floating banner on the right side. Click and optionally attach a screenshot to give direct feedback to the page you are on.

Send your feedback or bugreport!