Brazilian Zouk Saturday May 6th 2023

06.05.2023 16:00 - 06.05.2023 23:00

Workshop @ Studio Rebecca | Tanzstudio Rebecca Zouk

City Munich Germany

Join us for this special Brazilian Zouk Saturday on 06.05.23 from 16:00 - 23:00 at Tanzstudio Rebecca. We will have open level workshops from Curly & Wenessa, Andrius & Sigrid and Paula & Sebastian, as well as socials with Pizza!
Please register via this form if you want to come.

- Schedule & Prices:
Saturday 06.05.23 from 16:00 - 23:00 (for detailed schedule s. picture below)

- Location:
Tanzstudio Rebecca, Anglerstraße 6, 80339 München. Studio white (entrance right next to Edeka through the red door; 3rd floor)

Location Studio Rebecca | Tanzstudio Rebecca
Cost 40 EUR

Last update: 12.04.2023 | Visits: 103
Please check the original event link for updated details shortly before the event.

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