Modern Zouk Classes

24.01.2024 18:00 - 24.01.2024 22:00

Course @ Zouk Cathedral Zouk

City Berlin Germany

18:00 - 19:00h
*Leading & Following*
This is an open-level class. Everyone can participate also beginners. We are working with principles of leading and following rather than "just" giving you steps and combinations.

19:15 - 20:45h
*From Good to Great Bootcamp*
We want you to improve as fast as possible, in this case, within one class that's why we call it boot camps. You should bring at minimum beginner's knowledge, otherwise, this class is catered for improvers to advanced.

21:00 - 22:00h
*Advanced Class*
You should bring an equivalent of 3 years of weekly training practice.

Location Zouk Cathedral
Recommended level(s) Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Cost 15 Euro drop In (monthly and seasonal passes available)

Last update: 11.01.2024

Note: This is a recurrent event. You will find more of this in the next weeks.

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