Weekly Dance Meeting

27.11.2024 19:00 - 27.11.2024 21:00

Course @ Forró Jena Forró

City Jena Germany

Edit: When the weather is nice, we like to switch location to the 'Glashaus im Paradies'.
For the final info about the location, pls check our WhatsApp group: chat.whatsapp.com/H4bgRUyxgMx3Jb8w5jh6el

Regular meeting with course and free dancing at its end.

First we do a little stretching and warmup followed by an input from professional teachers or someone from the group.
And finally we practice and spend the evening together with free dancing.

Location Forró Jena

Last update: 19.03.2024 | Visits: 167 | Event imported from https://forro-app.com/

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