Modern Zouk Classes

15.05.2024 18:30 - 15.05.2024 22:00

Course @ Zouk Cathedral Zouk

City Berlin Germany

18:30 - 19:30h
*Level 3: Preparation for advanced movements*
Aimed at those with a solid foundation, we work our way up to applying head movements and advanced movements. This class is also a preparation for the following class, but stands on its own as well.

19:30 - 20:30h
*Level 3+: Head movements in motion*
In this class, we apply ourselves to complex and dynamic head movements. This class is for the upper intermediate to advanced level. The class before will give you the foundation for the movements we learn here.

20:30 - 21:00h
*Assisted practice and intro for beginners*
Time to practice, ask questions or dance; at the same time, intro-class for newbies to enable you to take part in the beginner class

21:00 - 22:00h
*Level 1 - Partnering principles for improvers*
In this class, we work on the technical details of our foundation, including steps, follower and leader technique as well as partner principles and communication. Suited for beginners and improvers.

Location Zouk Cathedral
Recommended level(s) Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Cost 15 Euro drop In (monthly and seasonal passes available)

Last update: 02.05.2024

Note: This is a recurrent event. You will find more of this in the next weeks.

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