Danca Alegria

Association in Berlin Germany


Upcoming events

Sat 08.02.25 ... 09.02.25
Weekender Bryan & Kate

Weekender @ Berlin

Fri 28.02.25 ... 02.03.25
Weekender Lucas & Tayna

Weekender @ Berlin

Sat 05.04.25 ... 06.04.25
Sat 14.06.25 ... 16.06.25

Danҫa Alegria means as much as ‘joy about dancing’ and that’s exactly what our non-profit association Danҫa Alegria e.V. – Centre for Brazilian and Latin American dances is about. We want to spread the joy about Brazilian and Latin American dances, their culture and music. As well we like to exchange experiences with like-minded persons, try to enlarge our community, create occasions to dance and promote dancing and the cultural and artistic exchange in and around Berlin.
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Please check the original (FB) event link for updated details shortly before the event.

Last update: 23.02.2024

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